Chocolate Banana PB Quesadilla

I love snacks. I love treats. Turn a snack into a treat, and i’m in hog heaven! I’ve recently found a wonderful 21 Day Fix approved snack, and I decided to beef it up the other day to make it a treat too!

Here’s what you need…

1 whole wheat flour tortilla ( this one was a small fajita sized, but i’ve used bigger!)

Spoonful of natural peanut butter or other nut butter (around a tablespoon)

Half a banana

1 tsp of chocolate chips ( I may have added a heaping tsp!)

Here’s how it will look assembling the quesadilla!


Then fold tortilla over and warm each side on a grill pan (or regular pan would be fine too).  I warmed each side just briefly.

The result is ooey, gooey deliciousness!


21 Day Fix Approved! I’ll take it!

2 Yellow (1 if you leave out the chocolate chips), 1 Purple, and a Tsp.

Healthy Chocolate Chip Blondies!!!

HealthyChocolate Chip Blondies!!1

I really love to bake!!! In the past few years, one of the things I have done to try and create healthier habits for my family is that I limit processed treats in our house. That means I rarely (i said rarely, not never!) buy packaged cookies and other treats. If we want a treat, I usually make something. At least then I know what is going in it!

SO, it’s always fun when I find a healthier recipe I want to try! My family always gets a little scared when I tell them “it’s a new recipe”! Tonight I tried this recipe I found for Chocolate Chip Blondies with Chickpeas! I’ve made chocolate chip cookies before with chickpeas so thought i’d give these a whirl!

Here’s how you make them!

Things you will need…



* 1 can drained and rinsed ChickPeas

* 3/4 tsp Baking Powder ( i lost some of my measuring utensils, so i had to guess!)

* 1/8 tsp baking soda

* dash of salt

* 3/4 cup brown sugar (substitutions available, but for the first time i thought i better stick to the real deal)

* 2 tsp vanilla extract

* 1/4 cup ground flax or quick oats

* 1/4 cup peanut butter

* 1/2 cup chocolate chips (this was maybe too much though)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Add in all ingredients except for chocolate chips in a food processor until smooth. Mix in chocolate chips ( i had to transfer to a small bowl for this). Spread into a greased 8×8 pan and bake for 30 minutes.  The recipe says they may look under baked when you take them out, but they firm up as they cool. Mine looked just fine when I took them out, and definitely were not too hard when we tried them.

The jury is still out on these in our house, but I thought they were a hit! They are definitely worth a try!


Original recipe found here!

Chocolate Pumpkin Pie Shakeology

Fall is in the air!  I love Shakeology and I love pumpkin pie, so I figured why not try pairing the two together? I know I have seen a recipe for this already somewhere, but I didn’t feel like searching.. I just made my own!

Shakeology meet Pumpkin…


Chocolate Pumpkin Pie Shakeology

1 scoop chocolate Shakeology

16 oz water and a splash of milk

1/4 cup 100% pure pumpkin puree

a few good dashes of Pumpkin pie spice

handful of ice

This was a delicious and very nutrient dense fall treat!  I tend to always make my shakes the same, but this was a nice change I will definitely be doing again!

If you would like more information on Shakeology visit me at or visit my site

21 Day Fix- Let’s try this again!

As you might remember reading in my review on PiYO, I didn’t do so well on nutrition over the summer time.  It wasn’t that is was ALL bad.  It was just all over the place!  I found myself indulging more often in comfort foods and eating out more often since moving… it can do that to you! I knew I was feeling bloated and my pants were feeling snug.  When PiYO was over, I knew what needed to happen.  21 Day Fix!!!

21 Day Fix is a nutrition and fitness program combined in one.  The work outs are not as fun to me as say TurboFire, but they are GOOD, efficient, and get the job done in a quick 30 minutes.  There is a modifier you can follow also.  The work out schedule looks like this for each week..

Monday: Total Body Cardio

Tuesday: Upper Fix

Wednesday: Lower Fix

Thursday: Pilates Fix

Friday: Cardio Fix

Saturday: Dirty 30

Sunday: Yoga Fix

The last week there is an optional doubles work out calendar that you can follow.  Prepare to be SORE the first week!  Don’t worry this is a GOOD feeling! Do not be afraid.  This means it is working and so are you!

The nutrition plan is the KEY to your success in this program.  It teaches clean eating and portion control.  You will use color coded containers to measure out your foods.  Here is a look at some of the delicious meals I had during 21 Day Fix.. a Taco Salad, roasted bell pepper quinoa with spinach and chicken, and cube steak with spinach and cucumbers.

IMG_1527 IMG_3478


The containers do look small, but you can really fit more in there than meets the eye.  Again, do not be afraid!  You will most likely be eating MORE food than you are used to… it will just be the right foods and the right portions.  It really is amazing how simple it works.

So, how did I do in this 21 Days?  Well, i did near perfection on the work outs.. only missing one day of a yoga fix.  I did not do the optional doubles this time.  I was not 100% perfect on the nutrition plan, but came close this time!  Life happens, and there were a few slip ups, but I just kept going.  Did I see results?

21 Day sept


Don’t worry, eventually I will get new work out clothes so you are not always seeing me in the same outfits!!!

We have a crappy scale.  It’s just numbers anyways! I’ve never liked scales much.  I try and stay away as much as I can.  I like to go by how my clothes fit.  So, if my crappy scale was being at all accurate.. I believe I lost somewhere around 5 pounds.  Losing numbers really wasn’t what I was looking for though.  I wanted my pants to be comfortable again, and they are!  I wanted to feel better, less bloated, and have more energy.  Mission Accomplished!

I finished up this round on September 21st, and started the 22nd back on my first love TurboFire, but i’m going to continue to follow the 21 Day Fix nutrition plan about 90% of the time.  It won’t be perfection, but it is a great basis for me to follow and stay on track from here on out.  Did I mention there is a maintenance  plan you can follow?!! If you are new to my blog, be sure to check out my other topics so you can see my progress over time!

I have been running monthly challenge groups to help people with support and accountability during their programs.  It has really been the key to success for some and really helps me out as well!  If you are interested in having me coach you through this program or another one please fill out this short questionnaire.  I’m happy to help!



Around the Dinner Table

As my family and I sat at the dinner table tonight as we were all done eating, all I could think about was how I cherish our moments around the dinner table.  Tonight we got in a fun conversation about middle names.  Everyone was in the conversation including little Parker.  It was fun, we laughed, enjoyed each others company.  Not all evenings are like this one!  Infact most are not!  Usually there are some sort of catastrophes that happen during dinner, or food that gets thrown, someone arguing over spilt milk.. but still every night we come together around the dinner table.  I know these moments my kids will always remember.

Some of my fondest memories growing up were at the dinner table.  I remember the time my brother was throwing a fit, because I was chewing with my mouth open.  He ended up getting so mad he left and ate his food in the living room.  I remember my sister’s vivid stories about her day.  I remember the times I laughed so hard milk came out of my nose.  We may have gone through a few different tables throughout the years, but we all came around the dinner table.


When my husband and I began our little family, there really was no question.  We knew we would eat around the dinner table.  We both agree that it is so important.  A time of day that we can come together always as a family, and pray together, eat together, and share together.   I know from experience especially as the kids get older with their activities, not every night will everyone be eating at the same time.  It doesn’t matter.  There will still be nights that we will come back and eat around the dinner table.  Even the crazy nights, those are the moments that I treasure, and that I know my kids will remember always, around the dinner table.

Do you eat dinner with your family?  What are some of your most memorable dinner moments?

21 Day Fix Review and Results

Yesterday was my last day doing the 21 Day Fix program and my review and results are in!!

Ever since this program came out in February, I have heard about everyone’s great results with it, and so of course I wanted to try it out for myself!  Although I was not doing this program to lose weight, I did want to learn how to eat a clean, healthier diet and there are still areas i’m working on to get more muscle definition!

So, let’s talk about the nutrition plan…

The plan is made pretty simple.  It tells you how you calculate which calorie bracket you fall under.  From there, it will tell you how many of each color coded container you can eat per day.  The guideline book also tells you what foods you can eat for each container.  For instance, green container is veggies, red is protein.  I started out really well, but I will be honest here,  I had a rough time with this!! I probably chose the worst of times to start the eating plan…. husband away, four kids, prepping for a move… BUT even though I didn’t follow the plan as perfectly as I would have liked, I’m still happy with what I took away from trying it out.  On days that I did not follow the plan well, I then noticed the difference in how I felt.  I definitely felt better and had more energy when I followed the plan.  Doing this really made me more aware of what I am eating and how much I am eating!

Let’s talk fitness….

The 21 Day fix fitness program consists of 30 minute workouts every day.  You do a different workout every day and it really works your whole body.  On Day one, when I started my first workout my initial reaction was it was going to be too easy for me!  I could not have been more WRONG!  The workouts include very simple movements, but I still got worked!  Infact, the whole first week I was sore… and I have been consistently working out for over a year now!

Let’s talk results…

Well, considering I did not end up doing the nutrition part of the program 100%, I was not so sure I was going to see any results in 21 days….


If this is the results I got in 21 Days, I would love to see what results I will get in 21 days when following the nutrition plan 100%!

I will absolutely try this program out again in the future, and I would recommend this program to anyone!  I love the fact that it can be geared towards so many different people.  You might just be looking for a quick 21 day fix to work off those last few pounds.. or you could be looking at a jumpstart towards a lifestyle change.  The 21 Day Fix can be repeated as many times as you want!

I 100% recommend having some sort of support system when starting this program.  For me, I will do it again when my husband can join me in the nutrition plan.  For you, maybe you would like your significant other or a friend or family member to join you.  Or, you could certainly be a part of one of my challenge groups, which are a GREAT support system to have.   Please feel free to contact me via Facebook or visit me at

The Typical Beachbody Coach

What do you think the typical Beachbody coach looks like?  

Let me ask you a question.  Do I look like the typical Beachbody coach to you?  When you look at me, would you think, “oh, she must be a Beachbody coach!”?  Well, let me tell you about a few coaches that I know.  My upline coach, Amy Allen was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma shortly after becoming a Beachbody coach.  She was new to drinking Shakeology, but continued to drink it during her chemo treatments.  She truly believes that Shakeology helped her stay nourished during that difficult time.  She was also a busy mother of three, the youngest being a newborn at the time.  She could have just dropped the whole Beachbody coach thing out the window, but instead she used her own experience to help educate others about their own health.  In return, this has also helped her family financially.  Another coach on my team, Amber Yamada, became a Beachbody coach when she was 6 months pregnant!  She was not doing any fitness program at the time.  She had learned about the benefits of Shakeology and decided to give it a try.  She had been getting sick quite a bit with colds and stomach bugs and her prenatal vitamins were causing stomach upset.  After getting the okay from her mid-wife she started drinking Shakeology, and noticed a difference in her energy to help her keep up with her other two children.  She also started feeling a lot better overall and was not getting sick anymore.  She has since then, had her baby, and she has been able to help her family out financially just by helping others reach their health and fitness goals.  My personally sponsored coach, Ashley McClanahan, is a busy mother of three and avid runner.  She was drinking Shakeology and doing TurboFire and other Beachbody fitness programs.  She first became a Beachbody coach so she could receive a discount on her own products, however, then she decided to reach out to others and has been able to financially help out her family, and continue to be a stay at home mom.  I’m so glad that Ashley made the decision to reach out to others and share her experience with the products.  I connected with Ashley right away, because we have a few things in common.  I didn’t jump right in the game, when she first introduced me to a challenge group.  Like many, I was skeptical and unsure about spending that kind of money on a workout program.  She didn’t give up on me!  She kept on inviting me, and i’m so glad that she did!

As you can see, each of these Beachbody coaches are different, however they all have ONE thing in common.. they want to help and inspire others!!! So, I guess you could say the “typical Beachbody Coach” is one who wants to Inspire others.


So Why Me?

So why you?  Why not?!!!  You do not have to be a health expert!  You do not have to be a fitness expert!  You just have to want to reach out to others and help inspire and motivate those around you!  You could even be someone who has not yet started your own journey!  You could reach out to others and have them JOIN you on your journey to a healthier you!

ANYONE can become a coach, as long as they have the desire to help others DECIDE, COMMIT, and SUCCEED!

If you are interested in learning more about this coach opportunity, where you will also be personally mentored by me, please reach out to me and send me a private message on Facebook at OR email me at  Image

How to make a Tutu Wreath

I am not very crafty, and since being a mom I haven’t really had many hobbies.  This past summer, however, I made an attempt at being crafty!  I started out making a couple of super cute Fourth of July wreaths.  I was having a lot of fun doing this!  Then I decided to make my daughter Ralie, a tutu wreath for her room.  After doing some researching on the web on how to do this, I got started.  Even though it was by far the easiest wreath to make.. I only got half way done and then school was back in session for the kids and time got the best of me!  So there the poor half way done tutu wreath sat UNTIL this weekend when I decided enough was enough!  Tutu wreath is now complete… ALMOST!  I still feel like it needs something else… like maybe a big R for Ralie in the center or Ralie spelled out on the circle part.

If you have ever wondered how to make one of these, it is so simple!!  Here is what you will need… a few rolls of tulle ( I found mine at Walmart), a styrofoam wreath form, scissors, fake flowers and glue gun

1. cut out strips of the tulle (for mine I cut them each about 17in. long)

2. double knot strips of tulle around wreath ( I used 5 of each color in a row and then scooted them close together)

3.  Once the wreath is filled use hot glue gun to glue on fake flowers

4.  To hang simply cut a longer strip of tulle to tie around wreath!



I think it is so important for children to be physically active in someway….wether this means, running in the backyard or a park, participating in sports, or just running around being a kid! Especially this day in age, with all the fun techi gadgets to play with.

My son Keeden, 8 years old, has been a sports nut since he was just a tiny boy! He was busy playing with a t-ball set in the backyard before he was even old enough to be on a team. So of course we were excited for him when he actually got started on a team. He started out with t-ball for a couple of years and then wanted to try basketball. He LOVES it! The first couple of seasons he was always one of the “star” players. Well, this season he has moved up to the next division and it has proved to be more challenging for him. The last few games he has been trying soooo hard but has not made any points. So, my husband and I get pretty excited during a game whenever he gets the chance to get the ball. In this last game, there was a moment I caught on video where he was able to steal the ball away from the other team, but then he was losing his dribble and passed it on to another player who then made a basket! I couldn’t have been more proud, because I know my son is learning lessons about life, far greater than making baskets…Teamwork!